well.. eventhou i aint celebrating lebaran..there's nothing wrong writing about it anyway huh? since i've been exposed to the hype of the events in the last 30 days.. you know! it's been quite influencing in a way or two...
here's the deal...
you turn on the tv, all 10 channels are doing "lebaran special", starting from the religious tv series (read: sinetron), to talkshow, to berita mudik, to religious music..my goodness even MTV is doing it...now tat opick javanese song is played in my head constantly...
you read your newspaper and there go all the mudik news, puasa news, and of course the BBM news!!
and... all your employees, the satpamzz, and tukang parkir, and preman2, and pedagang kaki lima who kept coming everyday asking for THR...
and every 3:30 for the past 30 days u heard the sound of bedug in the middle of your sweet dream, and top of tat.last nitee.. people are marching ALL NIGHTS with gendang and panci dipukul2.. all along the way of sukajadi...gogoakaann, teriak2..nyanyi2 and so on
at first, i was feeling uncomfortable with all the extravaganza around me, but heyy my momma said
the point is to take the lesson from everything tat u can not control
so since there is nothing on tv but "sinema special lebaran" what the fuzz..i'll watch em anywayy... anddd here i am..addicted to BAJAJ BAJURI and EXTRAVAGANZA *aminggg...the funniest man or err...halfman on earth...and Tora sudiro..goodness!! too cute!!*.. and i listened to AA GYM as well as taking notes from sume wisdoms tat he shared....
okk... so i spent 7 years of my lyfe, my growing-up phase, in perth.. though the city itself is not as wild as LA or Vegas,, D'oh! not even close to jakarta or sydney... everyday i was exposed to the western culture... i started reading Dolly at 12 and read cosmopolitan at 16.. i love "sex and the city" shows till death will do us part..hang out wif bule every now and then..and confess! i dated bule couple tymes... so.. eventhou i live a chirstian lyfestyle... some influence from the culture snapped my way of thinking and my way of life.
what i'm trying to tell is..by watching the sinetron lebaran in which all the protagonist are portraying the way of living as "orang saleh" according to moeslim teachings... i was thinking to myself..man i thought i was allright.. dammit i am so farrr from being saleh... *all my ladies in perth and my bebehh in spore...say UH-HUH!!*
apparentally what appear to be accepted norms in western lifesyle are still unacceptable in eastern culture. while all the youth down here are trying hard to live the western lifestyle, i honestly think that it is not the right thing to do. well, things such as;
treating your parents and elderlies like friends, to the extent that you shout to them when you come into disagreements (i do that)
alcohol is a party essential (i love that)
public displayed affection with your boyfriend ( Dops! do that as well!!)
the living-like-there-no-tomorrow-attitude tat cause you
not paying attention on your study of career development
failure is tolerable to a very great degree..while drop out from school
is untolerable in eastern culture, westernisation has caused it to become more acceptable
pay anything by credit card...
eastern culture teaches you to save, and pay everything hard cash
now it's all nyicill and you can afford the whole world today
...again..back to the life as an orang saleh.. what is being saleh anyway?
can we become half-saleh bytheway? we are good to people, doing amal, but smoke?
are we saleh?
...quite a point to ask for this time of lebaran right :)