Wednesday, May 30, 2007

the addiction kicks in..

Here we go again,
The battlefield of the mind,
Why is it that I have to be so tense,
When everything is going well?
So they all said that we are all addicts,
We have different kind of addiction,
And as for me,
I am addicted to adrenaline rush,
I am addicted to unfinished puzzle,
When there is no clear target,
No destination, no game, no competition,
Everything is smooth sailing and easy ride,
I become so jaded.
This is exhausting.
Someone, please give my brain something to do!

plastic or no plastic

Hi there!I'm doing a survey (pros and cons) about Plastic Surgery (beauty purpose) and need 100 ppl (50 males and 50 females) to respond. Please simply reply with YES (if you agree) or NO (if you don't agree) also the reason why. Note that your name will remain confidential :-)PS. It's A.S.A.PThank you!!!

-- L S HP: 0813 111 XXXXX

i got this question in my inbox on Friday from my dear friend who's doing a survey for her project. I replied it in 3 seconds. i said under special circumstances, like accidents or if the person is born with disabilities (note: chubby cheek, big nose, no jawline, no lipetan mata, uneven complextion and cup A do not count. I am talking about real disabilities like the ones in extreme makeover cases) , then i would say OK to plastic surgery. But under normal circumstances, i would say no. No to breast enlargement, or tummy tuck or liposuction.

But then, as i sat down with my capucino this morning, i got to think about the survey again. I was like, "Wait a minute, what if I'm pregnant and gain like 100 kilos, and after i gave birth i look like an elephant? I wouldnt mind having lipo. SERIOUSLY. I would do lipo!!" (and i believe whoever my husband is going to be, he would support the idea too!!) And what about cellulite?? See, this is what i dont like about being a woman. We have to have it. Even tyra banks has it. Now, i've read tons and tons of articles on cellulite and i learn that, it is not a result of poor eating habits and lacks of exercise. It is genetic and au naturel. See, if there is nothing that you can do about it naturally, what's the harm in going under the knife??

And moreover.. what about botox and chemical peeling? Are they considered to be plastic surgery? Because if they are, then i would say i am so supporting plastic surgery. Now, you could judge me as much as you want, but i have anjing pug at home, and i can tell you that having wrinkles is not pretty at all. All i am saying is when i hit the 40's mark i am so joining the Demi moore and Teri Hatcher's club. (Owyeah, i know all hollywood residents who're doing one. I watched "plastic surgery gone bad" on E! haha)

Well, you might be asking now, why did i say no in the survey when i, myself , am considering to have procedures done? The answer is that because i could only say YES or NO. she doesnt want an essay. And looking at the question itself, i believe she meant to inquire about the kind of plastic surgery like changing the shape of your face, make your eyes bigger or your nose smaller, you know, michael jackson kinda surgery. Without a second thought: i'm a no.

So bottom line is, in my opinion as long as if the plastic surgery is done to preserve the original version of the person then i agree. But if it is done to alter or modify the originality of the person, then i would say no to plastic.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Real life Prison Break

Thrusday morning, and i really am terrified because the truck from our production plant in bandung has not arrived yet. I've been bombarded with phone calls, emails and sms from dissatisfied clients since 2 days ago. Told all of them already that there is nothing that i cud do about it, but i'm the kambing item of the company, so i just have to deal with them sadly. Dimarah2in again and again. Anyhow, this morning i came to the office and thought that i deserved a break. So i shut down my mobile and refused to pick up the phone at all. I made myself a cup of torabika and wasted hours and hourse reading news online.

One headline news had got my attention this morning: CONFESSION OF A RUSSIAN EX-SPY. All that i can say to him is "I feel you, my friend!! Even running away from angry customers is hard enough. Imagine running from the government of your country. Ckckckc.. Good luck to you!" Here's the story that i paste from yahoo..
"MOSCOW - Late one night in April 1998, three government security agents met at a guest house outside Moscow to make an extraordinary video in which they claimed their bosses had ordered them to kill, kidnap and frame prominent Russians. The tape, the Federal Security Service officers said, was a kind of insurance, to be released only if something happened to one of them."

"Now one of them, Alexander Litvinenko, is dead, poisoned with a rare radioactive isotope in London last November. British police on Tuesday accused another ex-KGB agent, Andrei Lugovoi, in the killing. No motive was stated. Lugovoi denied involvement, saying the decision by British officials was politically motivated.
The tape, though, suggests that from the time Litvinenko first blew the whistle on his bosses almost a decade ago, he knew he was a marked man."
In the video Litvinenko and his colleagues sit on couches with Russian journalist Sergei Dorenko, announcing their dislike at the violence and immorality they claim had infected the Federal Security Service, or FSB, an agency they were once proud to serve. Dorenko,whom is now a talk-show host of a radio station, made the tape available to The Associated Press and The Wall Street Journal.

In the tape, Litvinenko confesses that he was ordered to beat up or plant a weapon on Mikhail Trepashkin, another former FSB agent who was imprisoned several years later for revealing state secrets.
The videotaped claim appears prophetic: Trepashkin, who investigated claims the FSB was behind a series of apartment building explosions that killed about 300 people in 1999, was arrested in 2003 after police said they found a gun in his car. His lawyers said the weapon was planted.
Trepashkin was convicted of disclosing state secrets, and is now in prison. Amnesty International has said that the charges "appear to have been politically motivated," and in 2005 accused the Russian government of denying him medical treatment.

Litvinenko admits in the tape that he is worried, but insists he is not fearful.
"I do understand that a security officer is not supposed to give interviews or appear on television," he said. "But now I realize the time has come. If I were afraid, I wouldn't do what I do now. But I fear for the life of my wife, my child." He believes the situation in the agency had become intolerable.
They stated that the reason they made the tape is "to describe actions by the agency which contradict the current law, with the criminal code and do not meet our moral demands."
Litvinenko claimed he was ordered to kill Berezovsky by Alexander Kamyshnikov, one of his superiors in the anti-crime department. Kamyshnikov denied the allegations in 1998.

Although Berezovsky does not appear in the video, he is an almost inescapable presence in it: Litvinenko had reportedly worked with the tycoon while still in the FSB. At the time of the taping, Dorenko worked for ORT television, which then was under Berezovsky's control. Litvinenko received support from Berezovsky after both of them fled to Britain in 2000 and were granted political asylum.

This year, Russian state television strikes back by reporting that Litvinenko allegedly forced another Russian in London to pretend to be an FSB agent sent there to poison Berezovsky. According to the report, Berezovsky used the phony plot to plead for asylum. Berezovsky has denied the allegation.

The implication, perhaps, was that Berezovsky may have ordered Litvinenko's poisoning in order to eliminate a witness to the alleged ruse. In Russia, there is widespread speculation that Litvinenko was killed by foes of the Kremlin to discredit President Vladimir Putin' . In the West, suspicion has fallen on Russia's security services, acting with or without the support of the Kremlin. Dorenko said he believes Putin, who became FSB director a few months after the tape was made, had a hand in Litvinenko's death.

Dorenko said, "Of course, he didn't say, 'Kill him with polonium.' He was simply told, the guy had crossed the boundary, the guy had gone too far."

The Russian government has denied any involvement in Litvinenko's death.
Dorenko, who was an anchorman with ORT until he was fired in 2000, said he did not look into Litvinenko's accusations at the time because of the risk. "Frankly speaking, I was scared to investigate those cases, " he said. He also feared for the fate of his sources.
Dorenko stored the tape with friends until the time came
"If something happens to one of my comrades," one of the agents tells the camera, "only then would we want what we have now told you to be made public."
scary stuff!! i could not help wondering that there is no right and wrong in this world. The one who has powers determines the rules of the game. There is no such thing as justice in this world. I was thinking what would happen to those guys whom have been marked for death by the high power. So what if they have managed to make a public confession on a tape? The high powers can make it disapper and twist the fact if they want to. It might gain public awareness of what is going on, that is if the public believes in what Litvinenko said, but that's about it. Sooner or later the public will accept the fact that that's just the way the system operates. Everyone has different roles to play in this world. Some are meant to be kambing hitam like me, Some have to be ordinary civilians, some are born to make it big in hollywood, and there are a few whom have to be martyrs.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


stella says:
loe pernah pacaran ma yg bae2 gth?
caroline says:
caroline says:
caroline says:
caroline says:
tapi malah i ended up hurting him

caroline says:
abis udah parno
stella says:
oh yah?
caroline says:
kebiasaan sama yang badboys kan prinsipnya
caroline says:
hurt them before they hurt you first
caroline says:
stella says:
parno gimana?
stella says:
stella says:
iya betul
stella says:
gua jg suka mikir nya gth
stella says:
stella says:

stella says:
u playgirl
stella says:
caroline says:
caroline says:
caroline says:
it mah defence system atuh
caroline says:
bukan play girl
stella says:
stella says:
it is playboy n playgirl system
stella says:
caroline says:
caroline says:
yahhhh pokoknya kalo mau survive kan

caroline says:
harus play by the rules dong
stella says:
bukannya dulu loe pacaran ma org sby?
caroline says:
orang semarang
stella says:
iya... drpd disakitin...
stella says:
stella says:
pacaran LD donk
caroline says:
caroline says:
LD terus
caroline says:
3 times in a row
caroline says:
caroline says:
makanya i tink i need a break

something to talk about

stella says:
nah justru biasanya yg kaya gituh bikin gregetan yah? heuehueh...
stella says:
nah trus kenapa gak sama loe yg ganteng keren player itu?

caroline says:
iyah awalnya geregetan
caroline says:
belakangnnya nangis darah
caroline says:
ogah ah
caroline says:
udah tua nii
caroline says:
suda saatnya mencari yang baleg

Caroline says:
ahhhhh loe mah maunya yang bandel2 gituh yah la
caroline says:
bad boy gituh
caroline says:
yang menantang
caroline says:

stella says:
soalnya kalo yg terlalu bae ntar malah ngajakin serius kan jd bingung...
stella says:
caroline says:
lohhh loe gak mau yang serius tah neng?
stella says:
loe tuhhh.. kan mo ma yg serius..
stella says:
caroline says:
caroline says:
makanya stress melulu gua

tella says:
bukannya gth... lebih seru kalo bikin badboy cinta bgt ma kita... drpd bkin yg emank dasarnya bae trus jadi cinta mati ke kita..
stella says:
ngerti gak?
stella says:
jadi bikin kita yg jadi player nya
stella says:
gaya pisan yah
stella says:
caroline says:

stella says:
ya pokonya suka lebih seru kalo deket ma yg playboy... drpd yg bae banget
stella says:
iya gak sih?
caroline says:
i used to think like that
caroline says:
used to be like that juga
caroline says:
stella says:
caroline says:
kebanyakan dibawa pake perasaan sihh guah mah la
caroline says:
akhirnya malah gua yang stress
caroline says:
udah ahh kebanyakan playing games malah lieur
stella says:
jadi malah elo nya yah yg kebawa ma permainan nya si cowo?
stella says:
iya sih yah
stella says:
caroline says:
caroline says:
pertamanya kita bikin tuh orang jadi sukaa banget ma kita
caroline says:
terus begitu diahnya suka bener2 suka
caroline says:
guahnya kan jadi luluh
caroline says:
stella says:
stella says:
iya sih yah...
caroline says:
eh sekalinya guanya serius tuh orang mulai mengeluarkaaannnn kulit asli
caroline says:
emang namanya cowo gak bisa dibaekin si..

stella says:
ya kali ya? jadi gak bernapsu gituh liat yg bae teh ya?
caroline says:
abis gak bisa ngegombal yah la
caroline says:
caroline says:
jadi garing!!!!!

what's cookin' in the kitchen, darl?

i tink it has been a month since i developed a new habit. Tidur siang dari jam 7 sampe jam 10, terus stay up til 2 in the morning, nungguin JAMIE OLIVER's show, terus bangun jam 7 to catch up Oprah at 8 in the morning. Iyah, i'm in london tyme! I'm a huge fan of the Naked Chef! i see many many chefs on the cooking channel but none of the interest me at all. You all know, apalagi yang kokinya bule, biasanya masakannya tasteless. What can i say, asian chefs are the best. What do you expect from those who cook without MSG??!! haha..

Anyhow, people use to raise an eyebrow when i told them that i love cooking..

(so i dont look like someone who can cook yaa??)

yah yahh.. emang gua mah orangnnya musiman yaa..

there is a period of time when i am so into cooking that i do fine cuisine everyday..

just ask my housemates and my anak cellgroup..

i wud cook sum meals which name does not even exist in oxford dictionary

tapi udah for gut ke indo juga udah gak niat masak lagi...
males juga ah masak buat sendiri,
apalagi ada nyokap yang jelas masakannya jauh lebih enak dari gua ehhehe
but now that i live by myself again,
and watching jamie doing his magic in the kitchen
and the fact that my house is only 10 minutes away from kemchick
hummm.... may be this wiken yaa??

Friday, May 18, 2007

billion dollar buffett

another boring saturday morning, so i dedicated the whole morning to read yet another not so boring biography. This morning my chosen person is the great Warren Buffett. See, he is ranked the third richest person in the world by Forbes in April 2007. I was so loving the fact that this billionaire in fact is an Academia. I hated it when people say that education is not so important since the richest and second richest person in the world (the infamous Gates and Dell) are college drop-outs.

The ultimate facts that intrigues me to learn more about Buffet is "In June 2006, he made a commitment to give away his fortune to charity, with 83% of it going to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.The donation amounts to approximately $30 billion. Buffett's donation is said to be the largest in U.S. history. At the time of the announcement the donation was enough to more than double the size of the foundation"

Warren Buffett had shown his potential in business and mathematics since he was very young in age, as he could easily doing complex mathematical computations in his head. (now, i love this) He was also known as a book worm and had started working very early. In fact, He began working at his father's brokerage at the age of 11. Moreover, at that same year made his first stock purchase, buying shares for $38.25 each. He sold them when the price reached $40, only to see them rocket to $200 a few years later. This taught him the importance of investing in good companies for the long term. (I am a firm believer that all billionaires are book worms and had started working their ways up to the top while the peers of the same age as them were still busy wasting time by having fun)

This boy is beyond smart, he is a genius. He acquired his first property at the age of 14. He spent $1,200 to buy 40 acres of farmland which he then rented to tenant farmers. When he was 16, Buffett and a friend spent $25 to purchase a used pinball machine which they placed in a barber shop. Within months, they owned three machines in different locations. (Oh my goodnes, when i was 16 all that i ever wanted to purchase were cosmopolitan magazines and LV bags. Yes, which explains why he could acquire a gas station by the time he's 22 and i am still a pekerja rodi at JN)

Anyhow, here are some inspiring ilmu that i learn from him;

  1. investing tips, also known as Buffett approach:
    Generals: undervalued securities that possess
    margin of safety and meet expected return-to-risk characteristics

    Arbitrages: company events that are not related to broader market changes, such as mergers, acquisitions, liquidation, etc.
    Controls: build sizable holdings, ally with other shareholders or employ proxies to effect changes in companies

  2. On inheriting wealth for his children; "His children will not inherit a significant proportion of his wealth. These actions are consistent with statements he has made in the past indicating his opposition to the transfer of great fortunes from one generation to the next. Buffett once commented, "I want to give my kids enough so that they could feel that they could do anything, but not so much that they could do nothing"

  3. Choose your friends wisely: "Buffett is an avid player of the card game bridge. He has said that he spends 12 hours a week playing bridge. He often plays with Bill Gates"

  4. philosophy on money:
    "I personally think that society is responsible for a very significant percentage of what I've earned. If you stick me down in the middle of Bangladesh or Peru or someplace, you find out how much this talent is going to produce in the wrong kind of soil... I work in a market system that happens to reward what I do very well - disproportionately well. Mike Tyson too. If you can knock a guy out in 10 seconds and earn $10 million for it, this world will pay a lot for that. If you can bat .360, this world will pay a lot for that. If you're a marvelous teacher, this world won't pay a lot for it. If you are a terrific nurse, this world will not pay a lot for it. Now, am I going to try to come up with some comparable worth system that somehow (re)distributes that? No, I don't think you can do that. But I do think that when you're treated enormously well by this market system, where in effect the market system showers the ability to buy goods and services on you because of some peculiar talent - maybe your adenoids are a certain way, so you can sing and everybody will pay you enormous sums to be on television or whatever -I think society has a big claim on that." (Lowe 1997:164-165)

    "I don't have a problem with guilt about money. The way I see it is that my money represents an enormous number of claim checks on society. It's like I have these little pieces of paper that I can turn into consumption. If I wanted to, I could hire 10,000 people to do nothing but paint my picture every day for the rest of my life. And the GNP would go up. But the utility of the product would be zilch, and I would be keeping those 10,000 people from doing AIDS research, or teaching, or nursing. I don't do that though. I don't use very many of those claim checks. There's nothing material I want very much. And I'm going to give virtually all of those claim checks to charity when my wife and I die." (Lowe 1997:165-166)

So, all has been said and done. The billion dollar Buffett who enjoys T-bone rare steak and plays ukulele is without a doubt an inspiration and a living legend whose footsteps have earned him a place in the wall of fame in the history of mankind.

life is a vacation

Anyway, I just realised that Indo has much more public holidays than Oz. Even I thought Australians are lazy enuf that they have to make the Queen’s birthday a public holiday. Well, since this is the first year that I do an office job in Indonesia, I was surprised to find myself getting “public holiday” break like every 2 weeks. My one-day break was great. I was talking to a guy friend whose name I had to keep in secret because he wants me to take him for facial appointment on Sunday (haha!) then I hang out in fudfest wif Andre and Rian ketawa2 gak puguh dan gosipin our lawyer friend (haha! Siapa suruhh gak ikut..) til 2 in the morning. Bangun pagi2, I had the most perfect morning, eating my favourite breakfast which is two toast, dipped in kopi kapal api, peanut butter and strawberry jam and I was reading stacks of last year UK VOGUE that I bought in QB WORLD ON SALE (I mean, you could buy an issue of UK VOGUE for 20 ribu!! I was in heaven!!) Then I went for Starbucks lunch and Shopping Session in SEIBU with my darling Tirz and EEW. Actually, yesterday was the first time I went out with them as a couple. It is funny when you have been friends with two people for years and years and years, and suddenly one day they are dating and you were like ‘Where have you two been all these times?” But the two of them are so dodol and so cute together. AND I am going to be Tirzah’s bridesmaid (yeah!!) Anyway, SEIBU is just beyond!! Love, love, love Seba’s collections and the dressing room. Oh my goodness, the baroque armchair in magenta is just so cute. Anyway, I just blow my saving for this month buying a black jersey that is so tight I tot It was spandex! I am so having to cut off some carbs and doing some cardio if I ever want to fit into the dress. Tirzah is doing PT and she told me a normal woman could only have 20% body fat in her body. She is so toned and sexy and has 26%. I imagine eventhou I am kurus (kalo kata Andrew: kecil, kurus, pendek dan jelek hahaha) there is no muscle in my body, only bones, skins and some excessive sumchan. Even Devy is on a Diet. She’s so langsing and sexy and she is drinking this juice from Oncom Jaya (girl, you are more bandung than me! Even I don’t know that Oncom Jaya sell a diet juice) Apanyalagiii yang mo dikurusin dari dikauu, say?? Later during that night, Scorpio (finally) called and he dropped by my house for coffee, chit chat and Donald Trump. I woke up the next morning at 7, talked to Claudia on the phone (Good luck for the exam, darling. Tell your mama and tante Lanny I say hallo) Went to works and at 13:00 EEW, Tirzah and Rio came for lunch. Goodness me, I have not seen Rio since Xen’s wedding, then he met Corleone randomly last weekend and my ex told me that I am in JKT now. Wah, turns out Jakarta is not as big of a city yah? Yah, after we finished our lunch in Dakken, they head to Sensi and I Back to my office (sigh!). I so cannot wait for the next public holiday, which is only 2 weeks away from now (haha). Hopefully, I can make it to this 3 days getaway that Silvia is throwing. I am so wanting to see Indri Gautama in person.

Monday, May 14, 2007

London Bridge

i was reading articles on Keira Knightley all morning on Vogue and man what can i say: i love her! she's hotter than alba. *now, say whatever you want to say! i stand by my choice! i think british is hotter than latina!!* I mean look at those ABS!! some serious too-die-for ABS for sure.. Moreover, She is nominated for OSCAR, she loves Jack Nicholson (me too!) and her brother's name is Caleb (me too!) See.. i'm predestined to love her!! I always have a thing for British stuff you know!. i've always loved british accents, i always love the beatles, rachel weiz, James Bond, Kate Moss, Siena Miller, Jamie Oliver, Zadie Smith, Jude Law, Jane Austen, Sherlock Holmes, My goodness i almost work for The British Institute.
Btw during lunchitime today, i was on MSN with Jeanne. We were again for the hundreth time discussing philosophies on men madness (kayak gak ada topik laen lagi ajah!!) anyway, Jeanne was like "have you ever taken into consideration a guy's zodiac sign when you are dating?" and i said, "nope. only their charming gestures and their shoes" And then she stated this very interesting fact, "I've just noticed the similarity of the star signs of all of my *extraordinary gentlemen*. All of the have animal signs. Taurus. Cancer and Aries. See, no wonder all of them behave like ones!!!"
Hahahaha.. now this is interesting. Turns out my extraordinary gentlemen list juga consists of killer predator. Just proves her theory right. So, we spent the whole afternoon figuring out the zodiax sign and personality traits referred to it. Well, i told her that she is lucky. At least she got a tamed animal: domba. You wanna know mine?
Cancer (Crabs): a deadly disease/ ke lautt ajaa (kan kepiting!?)
Leo (Lions): binatang buas. They belong in the jungle and never meant to be tamed.
Sagitarrius (the hunter) as the name suggest! the hunter!They can catch you, but you cant catch them.
Capricorn (bulls) dont get anywhere nearby unless you are a matador. Once they enter the arena, it's game on baby!
Scorpio : deadly and poisonous
sigh! alrite.. next time i meet a new man, i'll make sure i get their starsign first.. If you are not classified as the tamed animal (like pisces (ikan) or aries (domba)) or undagerous things (libra (timbangan)) just dont get anywhere near me!! i'm all babak belur already from dealing wif all of those carnivoras all these years.
But hey, know what's more interesting.. afterall i'm an Aqua (water) .. i'm not the mangsa species. All of those predators need me.. or else they'll die kehausan..(hauss apaa tuhh?!?!) So watch out baby. Play wif me and you might get drawning

Sunday, May 13, 2007

counting my blessings

jakarta dingin abiss.. if the weather stays like this forever, then Jakarta wud be perfect ( and of course if the degree of macet could be reduced a little) Hujann terus dari kmaren, jadi pengen makan tidur terus bawaannya. Anyway, my mum is flying to Beijing tomorrow. She'll be having a shopping trip for a week with her frens. Haduhhh.. mau ikut dong, mamii!! I have the best monday ever. Everyone is busy with delivery this morning so i got the whole showroom to myself haha! I sat down with my capucinno from the cafe next door. I just knew that the owner of that cafe actually owns a pabrik roti. It has been a week since he sent us free loaves of freshly baked chocolate and almond bread daily!! I tell you, bread talk aint got nuthin compares to this!! enakkk bangett.. free freshly baked roti everyday delivered to my office at 4. Aftenoon snack everyone? moreover one of our clients ternyata own this lifestyle magazine on the rising. Registry magazine. It is like Harper bazaar and tatler (on the early days!!) YAhh lumayan lahh.. the mags got some potential, only that they have to fire their current language editor!! jelek banget bahasa Inggrisnya!! i felt like reading an indonesian text, translated into English. And they got most of the socialite's names wrong on the social pages. Ati2 loh tante2 tatler kan super sensi.
But yeah, cant complain since they send us a free copy too every month. Aint life a sweet retreat? hehe And i am so happy to that my accountant just bought me a new USB. It is just a USB, i know, but i'd been wanting and needing it for the past 4 months, and having no time and not knowing where to buy it. SO when one morning i arrived in the office and finding a new flash disk on my table, i am so wanting to kiss her!!!! terus one of my clients treat me to a divine cheese platter and wine on Saturday evening (for the record, it's not an encek2 yah.. and it's a she!) gila baru juga jam 7 sore udah tipssseehh.. Seneng yahh kalo banyak yang ngasi ini itu huehehehe.. thou God has shown some tough love on me as well.
I was watching 3 separates shows on different days, that is by Joel Osteen, Kong He and Joyce Meyer on the topics of being negative, judgemental and cynical. The three of them are preaching on different topics, but i can sense the same message out of the three sermons. Of course different people can get different things from one particular sermon, it is just what you need at that one particular time. For me, i can sense that God wants me to change my negativity. Through the three sermons i learnt the roots of negativity. Being cynical actually is not a sign that you are smart, so smart that you are paying attention to the details. More specifically, the details and mistakes and flaws of everything that a normal person couldnt see. It is not a sign that you are a meticulous person, it is a defence system to cover your own flaws. Being abrasive and sharp is also a sign of insecurity and bitterness. Those stuff needs to be confronted with before you are spreading deadly virus to your surrounding: spreading negativity that is. A christian should be happy and vibrant and makes people to be wanting to have what you got. That is Joy and peace.
Reading from my blog alone people could have already tell that i am very good at whining and complaining. I can tell all the flaws, insignificant mistake that one makes.Even i can elaborate the roots, the cause and effects, the possibility of turning without evean insignificant mistake into a big and serious problem without even thinking. I'm a cynical and judgemental person naturally. At first i thought that by possessing such traits would make you a perfectionist. It would accelerate your expectations and make you excell more than others. Of course, some of it are true. but it does not make you happy. It makes you a grumpy person. At this age, i can tell you that being happy is much more important than being successful. What is the point of making an achievement, of being the best of the best, if you find yourself stress out and cant stop obessing about everything and being in strive with everyone whom you have thrown tantrums to. Therefore, i have made up my mind, to learn to count my blessings other than scrutinising what went wrong and what could have been done better or what others have and that i dont//
And have i told you about the best treat i've received this week? Grey's anatomy DVDs, the complete 3 seasons from my dearest dear. I was running out of DVDs and just thought that i would drop by the kemang fudfest afterwork to purchase some weekly supplies when he sms me at 9 on Saturday morning, told me that he was out DVD shopping and asked whether i want sum as well. Asssikkk.. thanks babe! you are the best!! *tapi mana yahhh DVDnya?? how cum u still have em wif you!?!??!*

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

business, politics and loverville

Yukss.. 9 days counting down to the deadline for Phopple's order in Britain, 12 days down to Salman's order in Pakistan, and 21 days left to finish Mucha's order in Germany. It's time to kejar-kejaran sama orang pabrik. They want to prolong the production time and we want to speed up everything so the balance payment could be completed. Apparently, i got the priviledge to take care all the exports orders in this company and the priviledge to become the kambing hitam when deadline is missed even by the counts of hours. Clients never willing to pay penalties of prolonged parking hours in Tanjung Priok, so it's my head that they put in the chopping board if we do not deliver the goods on time.
However, now that the goods are still in production, they are not my responsibility just yet. I still have days to breathe until all of them are delivered to the showroom's front door. Anyhow, I dont want to stress out and elevate the hormones fluctuations in my body, remembering the fact that this is the time of the month when my mood is at its worst. So, i just catch up wif my reading and writing. The news have been quite interesting lately, that is since Sarko is elected to be the next president of France. A huge riot on the day he is crowned in victory? ckckck. Makanya, learn to control what slip out off your mouth Mr. President. I was watching the updates on the cabinet reshuffling in Indo as well. I think the president is doing a good job in firing the people he needs no longer. All the ministers that have been fired seem to accept the decision gracefully. They said they can understand why they are being replaced, the appreciate the president and will serve in the new position whole heartedly. I wonder how SBY does it? It aint easy to fire people and still be respected by them, you know? Just look at Trump and Simon Cowell. People are swearing their names off in the street after being cast out of the competition.
Anyway, some updates from loverville: Corleone is back from Singapore. Black Russian will be coming back from Perth in 2 days. Mr. Big and Scorpio are missing without a trace. Should i start to conduct a CSI investigation? Actually, if i really am thinking as clear as i could, i could have known what i should do with him, him, him and him. They are all shud be treated as friends. Kenapa coba harus penasarannya sama "orang2 lama"? You had them once for gucci sake. I shud have learnt from my lawyer friend, whom i have talked to for 2 hours yesterday, to take control over your feeling. It does not matter how strong your feeling towards someone is, and even if you know that the other person is feeling the same way, if the circumstance is not right, you have to have the power to say NO to play with fire. Iya sihh sampe kapan mo kemakan sama penasaran, terbawa perasaan and caught up in the middle of adrenalin rush terus. Get a grip!
*Aniway drew, Too bad! once you become my friend, you just have to accept the fact that our conversation might be publicised on this blog. And you have the right to remain silent. haha!* And Ahh.. after i woke up from tidur siang, i checked up my fone and there is a misscall from moscato. Babe, i was thinking shud i be calling back or not, but i remembered cha2 told me "Kalo sampe kamu balik sama dia kamu aku marahin loh lin!" Boro2 balik lagi, mo ngomong sama orangnnya ajah belum siap. Hiiyy!! Hanafie and Irene: kapan mo maen ke jkt? accomodation diprovide deh!! kita have fun go mad yaa.. Chris: katanya hao peng you!! tp udah jadian 4 bulang baru ni de hopeng diupdate!! ckckck.. pas baru putus ajah.. gundah gulana sessiongs tiap hari!! penderitaan dibagi2 kalo udah hepi gak cerita2!! BAGUS!!

Friday, May 04, 2007

"Lin, kenalin gua cw dong!"

How fast could it be? Udah wiken lagi? Sipdehh.. especially pulang siang today haha. Mau mani-pedi ahh!! di senayan ajah gitu ya? biar deket sama tempat seminar. Terus udah gituhh mau bersua and having dinner wif me friends. Well, eve and Tina, if you read this, just know that since one of you is leaving Jkt and the other one has found yourself a boyfriend, then i have found another VICTIM buat dicomblangin tonite (haha)
If you have known me long enough, you must have been a korban at least once. (Just ask San2, Tirzah, Tiff and Lala!) I have this thing for menjodoh2kan orang. It's just natural you know, like when Tine introduced me to Catherine last week, i was just out of nowhere asked "Tin, dia gua kenal2in temen2 gua yah!"/ Or when My ex' mum was asking me to take his sister buat di- "kenalin, ajak maen sama temen2 kamu", i took out my PDA instantly and nantangin balik the tante "ok, banyak kok pilihannya. Mau yang kaya gimana tante" and the following week, i took the little sister to browse friendster to see which one of my single friends whom she is interested in. And the following week afterwards, i would arrange a meeting for the twosome to meet. Yeap. it's official,i'm a P.I.M.P! (haha)
The tricky thing is that, let me be brutally honest with you, as a normal human being, many people want to be introduced to a person outside their league. Namanya temen kalo ngenalin kan pasti dipikir2 yang kira2 cocok, but (the guys especially) are always "jelek ah", "kurang ini lah" "kurang itu lah", "mau yang itu ajah" (pointing out to a picture of my friend whom is a supermodel) and dalem hati i was like "Well, the only way you could get to be with her is if you are brad pitt!! Or Donald Trump!!"
These days, as long as your tone is informal and casual, most people dont mind "making friends" with the help of a matchmaker, like moi. It is not like the old days when people strongly believe that it is desperation when you are being set up to meet people. "Yang mau dijodohin tuh cuman yang gak laku. Kalo emang the guys or the girls are eligible, gak usah dijodo2in juga pasti yang antri udah banyak". MAtter of fact, many of my eligible male friends whom have passed the age of 25 are seriously making phone calls to their female buddies to "cariin gua cw dong, tp yang udah siap mo merid"
Yah, yah, makanya jangan didengerin omongan orangtua that says, "kalo masi sekolah jangan pacaran dulu. Nanti ajah kalo udah lulus udah kerja baru mulai cari temen". I mean like"Get a life, dude! Justru college is the only place you could meet people. Once you are graduated, the chance to meet a potential spouse is getting thinner." Everyone whom has entering the workforce must have agreed with me, "It is so hard to meet people once you've started working" Because in college, you'll meet hundreds of different people everyday, but once you have your own cubicle, you'll only meet a few same people everyday. You are lucky if your colleague (or your boss) is actually someone you can hit on. But, if you are stucked in an excellent job like me, the only people whom you will meet everyday are: a married 40 years olf batak manager, a 27 years old female architect, a 34 years old pregnant accountant and the OBs. (Now, this is when you have no choice but starting to ngecengin your customers, but that will be another chapter, ok!)
Anyway, basically everyone agrees that once you've graduated from College, the safest thing to meet "a potential other half" is through introduction by mutual friends. Lucunya tuh.. kalo cowo2 yang udah gede dan sukses dan siap merid tuh nyarinya cwnya yang CANTIK, CW BAIK2, PENGERTIAN dan masi kecil (kecil as in kecil my age! 21-24.. yah2 namanya juga di indo, it's not fair for the girls once you've passed the age of 25.. it's going to be so susah.. haduh! makanya takut juga euy! i only have 3 years left then!!) Guah juga gak ngerti, ngapain sih nyari yang kecil2? Masi hijau belum mengerti apa2 kali? masi mau maen sampe kenyang, masi mau merintis karier, udah di-pressure untuk merid? What's wrong with single women at the age of 27? (KALO KATA DD GUA sih.. if there is nothing wrong with them, gak mungkin dong umur 27 belon merid?) Halahh.. tp emang most of my "kecil" friends juga udah pada siap merid semua tuh.. sok atuh sok.. mangga laah.. kalo ada yang mau dikenalin.. As in for tonight, it is the first casual dinner for Mr. A and Miss. M. AWAS yah!! kalo sampe loe orang jadian. remember the person you have to traktir!