Friday, April 22, 2005

menulish lagi ah....

gilaa..hari inih dinginya edan!! wat's wif the weather in perth?! siang panas, malem dingin, and currently, hari inih jam 10:47 di east fremantle, the weather is freakin'Cold!! hum..lemme think..a good excuse for a big mug of coffee, yeah! apparentally, i have been trying to give up coffee, i made i pact wif my man kalo gw brenti ngopi dia brenti ngokar, since both of us are heavy users ahahaha, but yeah too bad, he luvs his ciggies as much as i love my caffeine, so the two of us just giving up on trying to stop. current mood: NGANTUK! untung hr ini kantor lumayan sepi..soalnya hari senin bakalan public holiday, jadinya gw nganggur pisan i have an assistant now..ceritanya udah jadi supervisor neh muahahah so i can sit back and relax and let the new office trainee to do all the works *kiky u are a champ!* duhh padahal pengen pisan ikutan nonton basket tournament skrg ma anak2..cannot!!
owyah..i have a new hobby now, playing psychology wif people. i have olweis been interested in ilmu kejiwaan, readings abt personality and chareteristic traits, looking at the psychology sides of ppl,. and to some extent applying sum psychology technique to get my point across. *relax, nothing scary, i just use them for marketing purpose hehehe" Belakangan inih seh cman, bener2 dhe, i cannot help but keep analysing the psychological reasonings that cause people to behave and think in a certain way. This is due to the fact that lately, gw been in an environment where people anylise people whom they interact to. My super businessman boss, for example, can read the level of inteligence of a person just by looking at someone's photo. After talking to the person for a couple of minutes, he can tell whether the person is lying or telling the truth. My colleague, doddy is even scarier. He can read my personalities at the firt time we meet. He tells me the type of relationship i am into, and how i react with things, in which 90% of his analysis is true. My mum and my bro are also mind readers themselves, they can read people's face, analyse their personalities and way of thinking, hence they know how to handle and deal with different kinds of people. But i have never been threatened by their abilities, i have olweis turned to them for psychological analysis when i make new frens.
in my perspective the skill of reading a person's character and traits is very important, especially when it comes to business and relationships. when it comes to the matter of ur feeling, ur trust and ur money, u better be assured that the person you are dealing with are not planning to fool around with you. Those psychology experts that i have mentioned above told me tat they got the skills based on their experiences in meeting different kinds of people. There are many ppl whom are very sweet and innocent when u meet them for the first tyme but in the end it turned out that they are the best liars and backstabbers ever. I have different mentors that teach me different methods to "read people". My bestfren tian taught me to read through conversations and wisdoms from the Holy spirit , of course. He happened to be very sensitive towards the ups and downs of his friends because he listen to the wisdom from the Holy Spirit. I think tat wat makes him a very good councellor and advicer, because he knows wat method suits best for different type of people. Anyway, all Christians are given the priviledge to rely on HS guidance when it comes to deal with people. schatchen, my very analytical and speculative schatchen, is obviously one person who really likes to play wif people psychology as well. I hate it but i have to admit tat he got me to do wat he wants without me even realising it. Dammit. Apparentaly he learns my personality that i am a very arrogant person, gengsi ketinggian, so a straight talk would only get us into argument. So this guy, persitently slowly but sure, sweetly and humbly getting his points across to me wif his psychological technique and it just a matter of tyme tat gw kemakan jg akhirnya. pertama2nya memang ga nyadar gw di-licikin..cman as i got to talk and got to kno him, i got to read btw the lines, i tink i started to learn jurus2 psychologynya diah. Not tat i'm saying he has a bad motive towards me, he is jus smart enuf to "menyetir gw". good on you, babe! but i have to learn to play him back to, jd gw bisa nyetir diah jg in tyme of needs hehehe.

so, according to my analysis you can shape, determine, or even manipulate the image that you want to portray to people. Just to test people reaction, i was going out for coffee wif a group of new ppl whom my friend had introduced to me. Then, in the middle of the conversation, ppl are started to gossip about an occurance tat happen to a "hi-bye" fren of mine. Before they started the story, which i dont know to be true or not, they politely asked me whether i know the person or not. Learning from experience, kalo kta mo ngegosipin orang terus tau2 ada yang kenal pasti kta batal dong ngegosipnya...jgn2 entar sampe ke orgnya hehehe so, i put an innocent facial expression and said "who?" Based on the assurance tat i don't know the person, psychologically they think tat it is save to gossip abt this person with me around, so they started saying "there is this one gurl, rite! and she is blah blah blah" and for the rest of the nite i just commented "Really?" "Uh-huh!" "yang mana seh orangnnya?" and so on. I am not interested in the gossip itself, cuman gosip si ini suka sama si ituh, lagian gw ga kenal2 amat ama orangnnya, ga pusing! I just want to test this theory of mind games and hey, it worked. Well, it's just a very very simple example, but yeah there are many tricks tat u can play to get people to think and react the way you intentionally plan them to be.

So bottom line, just think further before you speak and dont be caught up in the hype or atmosphere of a sitation because someone might be manipulatively trying to get you into something u are not aware of. Here's one secret tat i've learnt over the years: to get a person to speak more, dont ask more questions eventhough rationally speaking, you would get more when you ask more, right? Psychologically, people will speak out more when u create silence and awkward atmosphere because they will feel the pressure to break the awkward moment. Simply just people dont like to be caught in awkward moment, on the other hand if u keep asking questions, the tendency is more towards defence from being interogated. Intersting huh? Yeah, let me investigate more and i'll shall be back wif more reports. Just be-careful, as i might go after you. muahahahah *evil laughs*


Zieco Chiuman said...

Please read my personality..hehe

the amethyst said...

ahahha u dont even have your whole picture could i read you? are u afraid tat people will see the real you? oh well what happen with the about me section? are you asking someone for a second chance?

whoever you are, zieco. thx for the comments. i do really appreciate it :)
