Tuesday, October 18, 2005

talking predestination at sahur time

i'm not a regular insomnic
it's just that today is one of those days
tried too many things,
from fone to tv
from books to internet
even lying on bed
did not put me to sleep
then i heard that azan magrib
*or whatever the sahur thing called?!
goodness me
kenapa yah bisa ga bisa tidur gini?
have i been thinking about us too much?

you and i

funny how i thought,
we could never be together
but whom do i have to blame?
we met accidentally anyway
God intervenes
and just call it predestination

i've been taught that salvation is predestined
but let's talk about it later...

been thinking about what you've just said over the fone
about your so called vision, something like a long term plan for you
gurls, dont you like it when your man said he has a vision for you?
strikes me inside out like a high volt thunder
the first guy, or the only one who will ever
send me to the land of no speech
"i'm grooming you!"

there are only 2 male species on this planet
that i know of
who "create" or build, or doing modification to details to their gurlfren
the two of you are the same species though
my brother and you

while some people oppose the idea of changing the person that u love
and live by the principle "accept them the way they are"
i am all for it. yes. all the way. uh-huh!
since both of these guys are extraordinary people
whom i believe,
one day will conquer the world
why not take a lesson or two from them
why not becoming one who can suit them, who can facilitate their potential the most
why not becoming the person he wants you to be
why not becoming the "great woman" behind the great man
since these two guys are my boyfriend and my brother
again what can i say
it's predestination