Tuesday, April 17, 2007

world peace, my friend.. please dong ah!

you know, i'm all against the war between the USA and Iraq. Masi banyak cara laen untuk menerapkan disiplin kok. Bonyok2 yang berpendidikan ajah gak harus mukulin anaknya to get the kids to do what they want. Masa such a nation like the US does not know how to discipline a country without getting their hands dirty? kenapa harus pake perang2an segala. Mendingan budget perangnya dipake buat ngutangin developing and third world countries. Please dong ah!

Oh well, cuman in real life, kenapa ya i find myself again and again, choosing to go to the battlefield other than negotiating for the quest of peace, when my territory is tresspassed? Anyway, i dont have barbed wire when it comes to friendship and career. Even in the toughest situation, i still can keep my head on its place and hands clean while solving the entire quarrel between the disputing parties. But when it comes to anything that is involving feelings and emotion, you all know what i am talking about, just watch out my friends, one foot on the wrong place, i get my shotguns out.

"loh memang dunia percintaan itu equivalent to dunia persilatan kok, lin. Siapa yang kuat dia yang menang. Udah gak ada tuh istilahnya Bogoh paeh, love is blind, losing your head. Those things are for losers."

Begini deh jadinya kalo my alliance dan sekutu2 terdekat are cold hearted players (Correction: not players, just masterminds and relationship experts) Gak ada tuh yang namanya "mendengarkan kata hati", "pursue true love", and all of those happily ever after tales.

So, it has been 19 days since you and I have decided to send our troops to the frontline. The battle is on. There is no sign that any of us will fly the white flag and offer a peace treaty anytime soon. We both have been raised in battlefields. We have the reputation to conquer even the most dangerous skilful, armed and dangerous warriors. We know how to fight like a pro, and make every opponent dying inside. Moreover, this is not the first time we screw each other’s brain in cold wars, I mean I cannot believe we keep doing this to each other over the period of 5 years.

We’ve been playing games since we the first time we were introduced to each other. I still can vividly remember, the matchmaker was calling me the night before I was supposed to be introduced to you. He said, “You are about to meet your match, girl.And, meeting a perfect match I do, indeed. And funny thing is, the pattern of our cold wars does not change even slightly at all. We met, fall in love, crazy about each other, drive each other nuts, intensify the relationship with a lot of tension, kiss and make up, and when the relationship is at its best, we just snap and disappear from each other’s life. Disappear, disappear, until we forget about each other, then out of nowhere we intentionally make the effort to meet each other again, in some random occasion, some random place, some random time and repeat the whole cycle all over again. IT has been 5 crazy years and the cycle is kept repeating itself.

This is nuts!! Baby please, I’m so tired of playing this game. Especially with you. Listen to that Santana’s “Smooth” song would ya? World peace, please dong ah!

Give me your heart, make it real, or let’s just forget about it!”

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