Tuesday, April 24, 2007


  1. tuhh kann.. kenapa si kucrit ituu selalu muncul di saat yang sangat tidak diharapkan!! pas ditunggu2in, dikangen2in, dipikirin pagi siang malem, gak pernah nongol! eh pas udah dilupain, diantepin, baru aja i found "another you", jeng jrengg... tau2 nongol from out of nowhere..huhh.. why you makin my life so difficult, babe?
  2. Boris yeltsin died!! turut berbela sungkawa for once named the most controversional president of Russia.
  3. Counting days to meet tine in spore
  4. I just kno what it feels like to live with condemnation eventhou you have repented over and over again, but last night, something amazing happened. I've been praying and crying at night, begging God to forgive me for things that i did that i know had broken His heart. I've been doing this almost every night because i felt that the guilt does not go away no matter how much i've said sorry. So at 11 i went to bed and have already asleep, but i woke up at one, because that kucrit called me, i woke up and could not sleep again so i turned on the TV. Can you believe it, the program on family TV at that time is exactly the same as what i've been praying for? It was a short drama about a little boy who did something wrong, and he was afraid that his father would punish him and all. So he ran away and hid from the father. The father then came to look for him, hugged the boy who had been hiding under the bed and the father said,

"There is nothing that you could ever do that would make ME love you less"

The father said the statement over and over and over again, and I was crying, and crying and crying. And i felt relieved.

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