Sunday, April 29, 2007

me and cha2 this morning

Cha2 says:
maybe ga akan ada co yg bs fall in love ke aku like he does
Cha2 says:
Cha2 says:
like we said
Cha2 says:
or i said
Cha2 says:
i dun want to settle for 2nd best

Cha2 says:
and wat should I do with XXXX? =(
caroline says:
pokoknya prinsip guah cha
caroline says:
does not matter with any guy
caroline says:
cake p or jelek
caroline says:
pinter or bapuk
caroline says:
caroline says:
Cha2 says:
caroline says:
as soon as he hurts my pride, i'm leaving!!!!

caroline says:
but we have to learn to be able to live without them
caroline says:
jangan ngerasa lonely kalo gak ada yang deketin
caroline says:
kalo gak ada yang muji2, gombal2an
caroline says:
entar kita jadi approval addict
caroline says:
live for other people approval
Cha2 says:
ghahaha ya sih dat is so trueee

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