Tuesday, May 22, 2007

what's cookin' in the kitchen, darl?

i tink it has been a month since i developed a new habit. Tidur siang dari jam 7 sampe jam 10, terus stay up til 2 in the morning, nungguin JAMIE OLIVER's show, terus bangun jam 7 to catch up Oprah at 8 in the morning. Iyah, i'm in london tyme! I'm a huge fan of the Naked Chef! i see many many chefs on the cooking channel but none of the interest me at all. You all know, apalagi yang kokinya bule, biasanya masakannya tasteless. What can i say, asian chefs are the best. What do you expect from those who cook without MSG??!! haha..

Anyhow, people use to raise an eyebrow when i told them that i love cooking..

(so i dont look like someone who can cook yaa??)

yah yahh.. emang gua mah orangnnya musiman yaa..

there is a period of time when i am so into cooking that i do fine cuisine everyday..

just ask my housemates and my anak cellgroup..

i wud cook sum meals which name does not even exist in oxford dictionary

tapi udah for gut ke indo juga udah gak niat masak lagi...
males juga ah masak buat sendiri,
apalagi ada nyokap yang jelas masakannya jauh lebih enak dari gua ehhehe
but now that i live by myself again,
and watching jamie doing his magic in the kitchen
and the fact that my house is only 10 minutes away from kemchick
hummm.... may be this wiken yaa??

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