Friday, February 23, 2007

politics talk

poor adam air!! out of all maskapai penerbangan indonesia (yang rasanya sih sama2 gak becusnya) why it must be them yang terus2an ketimpa musibah? Baru juga pemberitaan on the missing plane cools off, now comes another disaster on the damaged wings of the boeing 737-300. That's really what you call a misfortune! Most of my friends (who must have owned 9 lives) told me that they're so flying with adam air, for the low cost, because when you think about it, who can be that unfortunate to have a repeated accident twice in a row, in a very short period of time. The management must have done a very close inspection to make up for the bad publicity that they suffered. Well, you just guessed that right! They just scored another newspaper headline again 2 days ago.

after living in indo for 2 years, I started to have a deeper awareness on what is going on around me. You know, just like when u entered uni. during the 1st yr, you just tagged along and do what everyone told you to do. Your mind is not supposed to be used for thinking purpose, only taking in everything, all information that is presented before your eyes. But as soon as you enter the second year, you started to develop your own idea on how to do stuff. Like back in uni, I never know that you can come and see your tutor in private, to negotiate on assignment deadline. I worked my arse off and could barely score distinction. But you learnt the tricks and treats as you go along.

Anyway, i've learnt my part on how to see things in Indonesian society after i became an idealist for over a year. I opened my eyes and learnt many2 things as i go along. First, i've learnt that there is no such thing as a "too good to be true" offer in indonesia. I've just realised that everyone is sugar-coating their initial speech to make you accepting the deal that they offer. But even until everything is written in black and stamped with materai Rp.6000,00. Things could change in a way that you would never imagine. Too many politics, manipulation and lies that hide in every corner of the room

Every single guddamed decision that we've made here in the never-never-land is a political decision. Even every human person who breathe the Indonesian air, especially jakarta so polluted air, whom you've met everyday is a politician, running their personal and individual party. They are campaigning the airy-fairy promises, all of those marvellous things that they are going to give you, but as soon as they got your vote, janji hanya tinggalah janji. And i'm like, MAN! What about world peace?

Unfortunately, we are not running for Miss Universe's pagent where all we care about is world peace. In this world that we are living in, we have to fight for our own survival. The strong will eat the weak one alive. So, it's either you kill or be killed. Scary thought, huh? But hey, if you dare to dream big, if you want to enjoy the corner office, the director seat, the warm coffee delivered to you every morning, you gotta earn them, even if it's by the hardway. And yep, i have chosen to put my eggs in the high risk investment, i gotta join the election campaign and running for presidency, well in my office at least.

Scary thing about Indonesian politics, it is not only taking place in your cubicle, it is at home when you are trying to pass a referendum to the jam malem regulations, it is in your relationship when you are trying to compensate on what you and your partner can and cannot do, it's in your life for gucci sake. When it comes to politic wars, I reckon the hardest one that you have to fight is relationship politics. Especially, when you have chosen a “queen of England” or “USA president” kinda person to become your counterpart. You, know the kind of person whom are so smart that they believe that whatever that they’ll decide must have been the best decision for the nation, and so confident that they believe that they rule over the universe. okay2 enuf talking on relationship bitchin'.

Speaking of USA president, i reckon the upcoming election is so going to be huge. Barrack obama is suddenly coming to the surface out of nowhere. I've never heard of him before, but in a blink of an eye, suddenly every newspaper column (kompas) every business journal (forbes) , and every lifestyle magazine (yes OPRAH's magazine and harper bazaar) put on his face and profile and comments everywhere. Yeah, yeah cant help liking him as well, afterall his step father is an Indonesian, and Oprah and George clooney love him too. Forbes magazine just stated that Oprah has said that she will do anything in her power, she's the richest woman in the states and the most popular TV host in the world, to make him the president. Now talking about some competition for mrs clinton huh?

as for me, his speech below is the fundamental reason why he has my vote,

"It was because of these newfound understandings–that religious commitment did not require me to suspend critical thinking, disengage from the battle for economic and social justice, or otherwise retreat from the world that I knew and loved–that I was finally able to walk down the aisle of Trinity United Church of Christ one day and be baptized. It came about as a choice and not an epiphany; the questions I had did not magically disappear. But kneeling beneath that cross on the South Side of Chicago, I felt God's spirit beckoning me. I submitted myself to His will, and dedicated myself to discovering His truth"

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