Saturday, September 16, 2006

what more could you ask?

I was talking to my dahling, maricha-hey-hey (what kind of nickname, bytheway is that , love? change that for the sake of your fabulous self??!! jk2) Anyway, i just think that she is one hew of a fortunate soul. She is too gorgeous in apprearance, too fashionable for the city of perth, too smart for a chick with magistrate degree and too nice for a daughter of "the Godfather" legacy (haha, is that an understatement luv?) Some boring night, she decided to give me a call...(yes, you only call me when you are bored, huh!)

cha: ok, summary in detail: how's life, love?
moi: work:cape banget, sinting. relationship:cant ask for more, laki gw baek banget
cha: haha. baek hongkong loe! mana ada laki yang baek. either it's too early in a relationship to say, or he's too smart that you could not catch him
moi: haha. some truth in that. but! i am 100% sure, he aint like the other toxic boyfrens i used to date.
cha: yah? how different?

moi: he aint the kind of person who plays games, not knowing any psychology rules or political debates. He aint so hard to crank, aint so hard to understand. I think i kno what he wants, how he is and well something like that.
cha: i see what you mean. Aint that a bit flat and dull, love?
moi: haha. cha. arent last year we were saying, we had enuf with the games and unhealthy relationships. we wont be falling for any of those criminal masterminds a.k.a bad boys

cha: i know, love. but i just cant seem to be able to break the pattern. i keep falling for mr. wrong. i cant be in a relationship with a good guy. They frustate me by being too nice. i need challenge, stimulating relationship.
moi: sampe kapan loe need challenge? mo married sama cowo yang cuman bikin loe nangis2 tiap malem gara2 diselewengin terus? mau di brainwash terus2an ama cowo2 kepalang pinter jadi bajingan. pacaran sama orang yang bisa loe percaya. kaya musuh dalam selimut ajah.
cha: gw juga tau. tp nyatanya kalo cowonya ga menantang, gw cepet ilfil gimana dong.

moi: terus gimana dong cha? cowo loe yang sekarang bentuknya kaya apa?
cha: anjir. gw balik lagi sama "romeo must die"
moi: sinting loe cha. katanya uda swear off ga mau balik ama dia. makanya kita panggil dia Romeo must die kan!. biarpun mulutnya manis amit2 itu orang maenin perasaan loe terus.
cha: abis gw ga bisa lupain dia. cowo laen ga ada yang bisa say things like he does, manjain gw like he does
moi: no-one has ever hurt you like he does as well cha.
cha: loe uda kenal gw lama. do i look like an unexperienced anak bau kencur in relationship?
moi: of course not. you are a dating guru, tapi cha..
cha: here's a question for you, love.

dont you secretly wish that your nice guy will say the things our romeoz do say? Or bring you flower, sweep you off your feet, Or For love sake, do make you cry every night because he breaks your heart. Dont you secretly wish that you want passion out of a steady relationship?

moi: and let me ask you a question, love.

When you are crying in the middle of the night, every night, because for Gudnes sake you know that Romeo just told you another lie. what do you secretly wish? when he brings you flower at dinner, but you cannot help to think that he does not only give those flowers for you. But to his other 3 or five ladies. aint you secretly wishing that he is just another regular guy with sincere feeling for you?

cha: be honest with me now. if you've been in a relationship with a fu**in romeo. can you honestly tell me, that you can be with a guy who does not know how to treat a woman like a goddess? Sometimes i really wish i could, love. But truth is, i'm addicted to passion, to sinetron like relationship.

moi: until when? do you plan to marry the guy? or does he plan to marry you?
cha: he will settle down one day, tat's what he's saying. and who's his best pick if it's not his long term-gurlfren.
moi: he will commit in 5 years to come, with a new innocent 20 years old.

cha: ok miss judgemental. what are you doing then. settling down with in a so-so- relationship. no passion just friendsip, routine kinda relationship.
moi: i'm putting it in a different way, love. a relationship that gives me security, peace of mind for sure haha, i kinda love the routine, i'm so getting used to coming home to talk to him every single night. i know where he is, what he is doing at every hour, very different to those guys who live a double or may be a tripple life. I never know whether what they were saying were true or not. What more could you ask?

This conversation is being posted seijin ibu maricha-hey-hey. Of course Romeo must die never reads blog postings, so it's safe to biatch about him here. haha. .when i ask that question, she comes up with hundreds of answers. but well, everyone has a different expectations when it comes to relationship, aait? What do you ask for? moreover, after all the packages that have been known to us since the beginning of the relationship (packages="okay, i can see him as my boyfren because he has this, this, and that quality"), what more do you want? of course a gud relationship rite, and after that? what more could you ask?

my dear friend cha said: i want true love. i want the greatest love story of all. I want to not being able to live without him kinda love. Damn, prince charles and camilla parker do eventually make it to the altar afterall?

of course i said to her: she had becoming his "other woman" for 20 years, then he eventually married her when they were both like what 50? Romeo and Juliet do make it to the happily ever after as well, in another life. who else? the superman and her gurlfren? well, superman never cheats on her gurlfren.

alrite, alrite, it will only be a never ending conversation. it's up to you to decide, afterall, all fairy tales only tells the tragedy and never describe what does "happily ever after" means? does it mean the prince comes home to cinderella everynight and they have romantic dinner and talk nonstop for the rest of their lives, of the prince falls in love with cinderela's step sister then they had an affair but cinderella forgives him and it's all passionate kiss and make up, and it goes around like that forever. Anyhow. Bottom line. I agree that every great relationship does go through tears and drama, but for the sake of growing stronger as a couple. not for the sake of hurting one that we love, ait. so,

that's all folks.


Lara Potter said...

Holly Wagner once said, "Cinderella is a big fat liar..there is no such thing as 'happily ever after' unless both parties are willing to make the relationship works-by building a marriage from the pieces of who they are. obviously, with God's guidance."

i'd say i agree with how us girls desiring "happily ever after" relationship.. but it does require lots of work. and that, i must say, including building a strong foundation.

the BIG Q is..
how strong is a foundation can be, if you can't even trust the guy?

well.. just a point to ponder :)

kezia*anastasia said...

nicely put, ceu.

breaking the pattern, aren't we all?