Monday, February 14, 2005

going international?

global village

hum..coming back from indo, heading straight to more and more learning..*phew*Currently, i join an international confrence sponsored by curtin uni, called the Global Village on the move. Well, the only reason i signed up for this confrence is to get an exemption for my study, but then i think to my self; this is going to be scary, i know nobody!

i was thinking to skip the cocktail party, the introduction night. I thought it's going to be so garing to be at a party on my own, on a totally bule environment. But then when i flip thru' the confrence package, i saw a book wif a list of participants' names and fotos. To my surprise there are only 40 ppl going to tis confrence..i thought it's gonna be a 300 ppl kinda confrence.

...and *i'm just being a normal gurl here*, there are LOADS and i mean LOADS of so cute, so guanteeengg...guys attending the conference. They are French, Italians, Germans and well not forgeting the asians as well hahaha.. So think to myself, screw it! i'm going to the cocktail party.

So i was there, and to my disappointment, they are not as ow-so-cakep-it-hurts cman tetep lahh namanya orang italy yah tetep cakep dong hehehe but i was really enjoying the nite..malahan cewe2 yang me ketemu disanah jauh lebih cakep in persons..*so it work the other way around guys look better in fotos and gurls look good in persons* muahahaha...and they are all really frenly. i got a chance to talk to everyone and got a lot of frens tat nite.

there i attach foto of me and my *really really* beautiful and intellegent ladies, yukina (japan) and ivy (abc) hehehe *yang mo dikenalin gimme a buzz*, and yeaa i tink tis global village thingy is gonna be fun fun fun..

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