Sunday, November 14, 2004


juz got back frm. feli'z house, watching final idol wif my-gurls, makan dessert pizza.*omigod* so yummy!! then rite now di curtin lagi belajar2 bwat bsok exam jm9..males pisan eui!! so me listening to tis vry sentimental song "incomplete" by sisqo..enak pisan cman so ironic..en bcos i had noting to got me into thinking.

"i can make believe i have everything, but i cant pretend that i dont see, that without u my life is incomplete"

"U told me tat fell in luve but i wasnt sure tat i was, i wished i could travel back in time"
"all the money,all the expensive cars, all the women, dont amount to you"

owww romantis sekali...cman i tink it's a bit wrong to have a thought like tat...why dwell in the past memories and waiting for sumting that will never come? why trash everything a man would want to achieve and say tat life is incomplete because one person is missing frm ur lyfe? why think tat missing piece will make ur lyfe complete not the other way around? why it has to be tat person tat u turn down before?

arghh..easy to say, but unconsciously, i think at sum point in my lyfe i experience tat incomplete feeling as well...i am asking myself at this very moment, "why wanting thing that i rejected in the past, regreting the decision and wishing to make up for the mistake now?" but yeah, after i thought abt it..i realised tat the decision i made in the past was based on reasonable considerations, why regret? the past is the past. and who knows what the future hold? i choose not to let past memories to hold me back, make me feel insecure and incomplete, i want to live in the moment, with no regret, with no guilt no pressure and as grateful as always for wat i have.

udah ahhh mo bobo...
eii bantuin doain gw yah...mulai exam neh besok thank you...thatha ^_^

1 comment:

the amethyst said...

ahhahahahahah loe orang seh bener2 deh!!! kirain gw gaya amat banyak yg comment...taunya dipake berantem lagih :D