Thursday, October 28, 2004

selamat pagi australiaaaaaaa.......

sekarang neh...waktu menunjukan 6:42 a.m. locationg...abacus lab curtin...*literally in my pjamas*---> yeshhh i wear pjamas to uni hahaha!!
i jus finished my assgn...lagi nungguin di proof -read ama me-fren...terus me harus nunggu for other 3 hours ampe tempat binding buka...arghhh!!

guweh udah di kursi inih dari jam 11:45 last nite *i can feel the bantal udah jadi lepek hehehehe*...en i did not stop typing since last nite...
badan gw rasanya udah kejang2.. kepala sakit abisss... cman otak masih dipaksain jalan pake black coffee ..straight 3 cup.... *thank God for caffeine!*
blame my panik-an ,rusuh-tenan personality...i have planned to bring my ipod charger biar bisa denger lagu semaleman...chargernya dibawa ipodnya ketinggalan ^kalo burut baca pasti ngakak neh^*!gw banget ga seh del hahaha^ !!! niceeee....!!!! 6 hours of silenceee....

-----oh well------this kinda stuff has been my routine for the last 2 years...begadang di uni ampe pagi....mata item2...jerawatan...pigging out makan coklat gara2 assgn2...i tink taun depan...i'm gonna miss it!!! =(

sbenernya today was not really a good day...i didnt have proper saat teduh tadi pegih...en the whole day i felt devastatedd!!! CUAAAPEEEEE abizz...kerjaan sejibun2 ga abis2...ditambah grp mate yang #$)*)%#*^%^ ended up hav to triple-up the workloads....i jus really want to get thru the day...HOWEVER, i was really hepi, knowin tat i hav a music practice for sunday service....for me, eventhough it was only latian...praise and worship is still praise and worship....

pas gw dtg latian...badan gw kayanya udah lemes throat kaya yang luka..sakit abis*ask ci hulda..she pitied me* tp memang sayah dasarnya keukeuh...kalo diteken makin ngelawan...makin gw cape makin gw loncat2...makin leher gw sakit makin kenceng gw nyanyinya hehehehe i believe that the mind in controlling the if we say to ourselves that we are alrite..then we will be alrite...'n i believe in God's renewing strength..the joy and the peace that can only come frm within, overflow in my whole being when i sing...and eventhough badan gw masih tetep kelemer2...i can sense tat my fighting spirit is back *ciee...bahasanya xen2 neh*

so yeah...getting back frm the singin practice i felt better...went home..nonton apprentice (harus tetep nonton biarpun assgn besok due belon kelar)...terus i was so determined balik ke uni ngelarin assgn...and i am rite now...assgn udah kelar...i cant wait to go back terus mo boboooooo sehariannn....*ahhh...wat a lovely day, today*

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