Wednesday, September 28, 2005

wednesday afternoon, while i'm sick

ok, so i worked too hard in the past 3 days and wuala, last nite at 1 a.m. my whole body shivered, and here i am now, totally sick! Well, being sick is not that bad anyway, while my lil bro hav to be stuck, gawe di toko the whole day, i have the priviledge of dimanjain sama semua orang today hehehe
tat's the different of getting sakit di indo and di perth..kalo di indo, banyak yang ngurusin.. dari pagi udah special dimasakin, disuapin, segala macem diambilin, every1 at home is taking turn to sit by you bed, holding your hand and manjain me-self, and of course the best part is dipijitin.. sampe tidur hehehe if i'm still in perth, i would be lucky enuf if i know what sort of medicine i should be taking, otherwise, i would just be lying dead on my pillow all day, menghibur diri by thinking tat i would lose a couple pounds by the tyme gw sembuh hehe
anyway, i've been thinking about soul-mate lately. I've been having a full-on conversation wif my gals, and all of us agree that everybody has A (singular) soul-mate. By the term soulmate, we dont mean same-sex best friends, but one whom happens to be your other half. According to our theory, somehow someway, you are going to meet this one person who fits you perfectly. The chemisty is great, the two of you are connected in terms of feelings and emotions. when you were thinking of calling the other person,, the next second you know, he or she suddenly calls you out of nowhere. You feel the same way at each other. You finish each other sentence, the other person is always saying things that you actually want to say. All these so-called "incident moments" also dont only happen once. Moreover, to you, the other person is totally perfect for you. you love the way this person talks, walks, thinks, even tis person hobbies, smells, and flaws seem to be perfect for you.
Now let me pull out the big gun, well if you meet this person already. does she or he have to be "the one"? what if the person who connects with us in everyway, is just meant to pass our lives, make his or her hallmark, then leave sweet memories? What if you soulmate is not the one, eventually? I couldn't help but wonder.....

Thursday, September 15, 2005

early saturday morning

the tyme in my desktop is 3:33

i have to wake up at 5, so quick nap is not a good idea. Oh well, let's kill the tyme with writing a thing or two scatter thoughts.
My everdearest friend, known as " a gurl who loves to smile" : Congratulations! remember ur promise. I have to be the FIRST to know hehehe
you know what gurl, what u have been through with Gibran had taught me a lot of things. (Remembering the fact that you and i are sharring the same thinking pattern) We are the species who always want to do the right thing, according to our definition. we want to be "a very lurus gurl", so play it safe all the tyme. we always try our best to forecast the future, creating boundaries, dont want to go out frm our comfort zone, refused to be hurt, therefore we stay naive as we are. (True?)
But hey, after following your so-sinetron-i-cant-believe-it story for almost a year (rite?), you have opened my eyes, about not being too naive, of not having to be pressured to follow the customs and ethics that we have lived by.
In making this statement, i am open to controversy and opposition, but hey! sometimes we cannot avoid the fact that we are being in the position of the bad gurls. Not saying, yes be proud of it and live your life that way forever. What goes around comes around, what you sow is what you reap.
It is just that, somehow in some circumstances, as mere mortal, we made incorrent (not wrong though) choices, which lead to undesirable outcome, which cause regret, which cause us to live with the consequences. And sometimes we wish we could turn back the time when we could slightly modify our choice, but since it cant be done, we wish for second chance. And well, usually second chance doesnt come as easy as the first knock on the door. Second chance needs a fight, and there will always be people who will get injured as a result of fighting. Whoever gets injured is always portrayed as the victim, and too bad, that leaves the people who are not injured to have no choice but to be called the "bad person"
we cant forever be naive. Life is too short to please everyone. Yeah, if u dare to bear the consequence, well challenge and risk are calling. Afterall, life is all about free will, making choices, rise and fall, making mistakes and learn from it, growing stronger through pain. It is meant to be fulfilled to the fullest huh :)

Friday, September 09, 2005

my kryptonite

alrite, since i thought visiting starsign website is not a really positive thing to do, if it starts to become a habit, as i told my good friend today, to stop an addiction, get a new addiction. well for me, instead of letting a new addiction get a hold on me, i got back to my old addiction. I returned to my numero uno visited website, after friendster hahaha,
after hours of browsing, i found the perfect item to be added to my wish list, cross my finger, hopefully my papi reads this blog and the wish might come true A.S.A.P or else, there is no harm to leave this blogspot page at his office "unintentionally", rite gurls? hehehe
anyway, debby and bobby if u read this page, look at tat fine purse!! so damn fine huh?! merahnya jg cakep yang putih ini kereeenn banget yaa..yunki jg suka pisan siah..duhh mau mau mau mau mau!!
mauuu aaahhh....mau ke jakarta ah tis wiken!! ajakinn papii..then we could drop by di PS..thenn may bee...may beee may beee!!!
Christinee...tau gaa..kmrn me ke PI and saw ur mini monogram..ada yang baru..cakepnya edaaann..cantik sekali bentuknya kaya kubus gituh..talinya kaya baly, dua warna terus ada kantonya dua...kamu banget euy!! sangat sporty *tp gw jg mau..tapiii mahaaalll* duehh
ohhh weelll...the more i see the website, the more desperate i become...truly, there's olweis be sumthing tat u have to admit is your biggest weakness, your kryptonite, it can be a thing or a person or a moment or a feeling or watever. everytime you come into contact with your kryptonite, u just make a fool of urself, wanting it badly...couldnt sleep at nite, smile on ur face when u talk abt the thing, and when finally u get the thing, even the bt-es saddest mood cant hold u down no more..well may i introduce to u, my kryptonite, brand du franc, the two powerful words, Louis Vuitton

Sunday, September 04, 2005

my goodness this thing gets me addicted!!

yes a you can read on the title above...
i planned to stop reading those star sign bulls*** but then
i was curious hauhauhauah gurls, pay attention..when i landed on a website with a title...
"MEN: blame his star sign"'s the reference if u are as curious as moi hahaha

anyway gurls...i've done the research for u the worst amongst all is this species hahaha ..

"whether he is tall, dark, and handsome or short, blond, and chubby, a Scorpio man is idealistic, passionate, and loyal. He will mesmerise you with his candid, purposeful stare and capture your heart with his magnetic charm. He is selfish. Never mind that you are married to him or in a serious relationship. The Scorpion's idea of commitment is showing up for dinner most of the time. His emotion switch is set at sub-zero, and he won't hesitate to be unfaithful until he's dead.

Scorpio is terrified of deep emotional dependence on just one person, so, in his usual ass-backward way, he screws around precisely to avoid intimacy. A male Scorpion has two reasons for living. The first is power. The second is control. He would control fate if he could - and some try. He will usually be a good provider because his desire for power and control drives him to become successful in his chosen profession. He's so jealous, possessive, and sarcastic that you will be tempted to poison his oatmeal. There's no handling a Scorpion. You either put up with him or run like hell. "

huummm...i think i'd been stung by scorpionz before..and as far as i could remeber.. onez of my most intense relationshipz ever.


i've just realised, tat i've been wishing many "happy birthday" in the past 7 days, and checking my bday reminder, i have plenty to come, especially in this month of september.

Funnily enuf, these friends of mine, whose birthday are plotted on the month of september, are not my "hi-bye", casual, "so-so", "sumtymes we talk sumtimes we dont" kinda friends. Almost all of them are my special some-onez. Being a curious person that i am, i browsed thru friendster and saw who are lining up on the birthday list this month...walaa..3 of my bestfriends (adel, xen2, tine ---> you so have to make a makan2 susulan for me!), then 2 very close friends, an ex boyfriend and 5 of those whom you have huge crush on. i was like "What the..?!?!"

anyway, i'm not a fan of star sign reading but since this is 2 am in the morning, and friendster started to bore me.. well, why not?! i typed, then..humm what shud i put there?? star sign virgo..then thousand of websites appeared before me..and i found an interesting one hehehehe

the title goes by the name of : star sign compability reading: Virgo and Aquarius

the first sentece of the article goes like this : "When Virgo and Aquarius join together in a love match, they bring out either the best or worst in one another" ..*thinking...thinking...thinking*

Virgo are simply very discriminating, waiting for that one special, perfect person who will meet your high expectations and specific requirements. *christine, irine..say Amen to tis one!! muahahaha* Aquarius, on the other hand, wants to experience the whole world as a lover and can't imagine having to settle down with just one for life.*tojipppp my bro...tis is my defence man!! it's written in the sky haha it aint my fault bra!!* Freedom is a big issue for Aquarius.

While this might not be the best combination for a romantic relationship, it can be an excellent connection for a meeting of the minds.Virgo is essentially level-headed with something of a flair for statistics and analysis *tis is very true of evry1 of them...they are all think too much!!*

Virgo is highly selective and prone to inquiries and examinations. Probably, Aquarius will find Virgo to be practical, methodical and in possession of natural money handling abilities. Aquarius is friendly and likes people. But if the people are emotionally needy, then Aquarius needs space. Aquarius can march to the beat of a different drummer. Aquarius can have an eccentric temperament and can be just a bit strong, original, independent, unpredictable and contrary

Virgo likes to do things for people and tends to be more of a giver than a taker ---> look gurls..look for a virgo partner hahaha

Aquarius can become a fabulous communicator, perceptive, intelligent and highly intuitive. *ok here is a line to feed my narcisism beast tonite*

the two of you can enjoy an intellectual bond that stimulates and educates you. You can open whole new worlds to each other and will enjoy talking about everything under the Sun --> tui tui !!

babyy...this one in especially for youu hahahahh read on!!

"Born with a superior attitude and an eye for improving everything except his own conduct. At his worst, he's a classic chauvinist, dismissing what he doesn't believe and believing only what's convenient to his point of view. His one talent for conversation is a non-stop string of criticisms about every facet of your existence, from the way you wear your hair to your coupon-clipping ability. And he won't hesitate to insult your intelligence by demonstrating just how to accomplish either task. At his best, he has the kind of predictability that will give you a headache. He'll expect dinner promptly at six, where you will exchange news of the day's events. Then he'll spend an hour with the children, who will go to bed exactly at eight. Next comes an hour of telling you how to improve your housekeeping abilities. Finally, he'll retire to his home office where he'll spend the rest of the evening mumbling over the bills or developing a plan for your self-improvement" offence yeah...i'll blame the star for giving u tis personality trait!!